onsdag, februari 17, 2010

Pekoral. Man kan fundera på ordet. Man vill inte vara där men för att kunna säga något måste man balansera på gränsen till det förment allvarliga.

Frågan infinner sig hur något kan skilja sig åt överhuvudtaget. Hur kan något inte vara pekoral. Vad bestämmer kvalitet. Tidsandan förstås men den kan ju befinna sig lite varstans.

En hel del skulle nog vilja framhärda i att vår(!) tid kan ingenting sägas som inte är pekoral. Ett alternativt svar pekar istället på möjligheten att språkligheten i sig är pekoral, som i att pekoralen är dess modus operandi. Människor har och kommer heller aldrig kunna uttrycka sig på annat sätt. I de händelser vi går omkring och tror någonting annat har vi blott drabbats av ett romantiskt infall.

söndag, februari 14, 2010

Du sov. Din jävel.
Du som var, tog och fick allt ända till slutet.
Kung Midas narr. Svin.

Jag ströp dig. Försökte spara men spara på kraften.
Det var en genväg. Vilse med viljan som lugnande medel.

En muterad jävel.

torsdag, februari 11, 2010

Dikten bär poetens börda. Det man inte kan tala om med andra skrivs ner i smyg. Lite fegt. Mycket ensamt.

Jag vet inte om det finns någon väg ut. Om verket faktiskt kan tala med andra eller om det är dömt att göra skada - att vara ett med det gift som var dess primus motor.

blott ytterligare en post i intoleransens och dumhetens arkiv.

Jag lever bland de väsentligheter som byggts upp kring min kropp. Allt det där andra, så lockande, suddas nu i konturerna. Just däri ligger ändock en frestelse. I de möjligheter som oklarhet ger.

Vad man i åtrån till allt det där som inte blev av, som nu inte får plats, glömmer, är det faktum att skapandet av det nya avkräver lika mycket som upprätthållandet av de gamla.

Lidelsens energi fyller blott ett timglas. Drömmars jakt falnar alltid mot en vardag. Lycka ändå, att de är gratis, att man kan segla på dem i sina till synes torftiga strävanden.

torsdag, februari 04, 2010

South Africa II

I'm just fed up with so many things nowadays. With the decomposition of my own body, the meaninglessness of key-note speeches and the victory of the technical in favour of the passionate.

The air seems just so thin up here in Pretoria. There's obviously not enough for everyone, why one has to steel in order to speak out.

Read the guerilla key-note (below) that I gave at the last day of the conference.

(It was not me coming up with the parable/metaphor, although I've used it earlier this week in another context, someone more homourus gave me a new nick-name, you may wonder what it was when you've read it, feel free to guess...., quite witty)

Many words have been used in this conference. Not much to say about that; words unveil our humanity, as it has appeared trough the millennia’s (or more). But as has been said repeatedly during the conference, it should be more to it, to our work, than just words, than theoretical concepts and models.

Hopefully action will develop from this point; particularly I would like to see courageous border-crossing interaction. But as much as I love to see it coming from each and every one part-taking in the conference, I know that is has to start with myself and my own work.

Aware of the risk building further on the collection of words we have piled at the conference I would nevertheless comment on a certain word and its corresponding inner sense which I somewhat feel is missing in the debate and the presentations at the conference. I think of curiosity, the desire to the inner and practical worlds of others. This word and its, for so many species, along with them homo sapiens sapiens, vital practices is, I believe, of the utter most interest for us. In opposition to the more commonly used concepts and words here, such as tolerance, respect, justice and even democracy, the concept of curiosity points toward the active, not the passive, toward the drive to live within others, not apart from them.

What I suggest is therefore, with the respect for the deep going differences between the many cultures and social orders present here, is a much more enthusiastic and positive approach to the discussion of how people may live together, instead of the sometimes more defensive one that has come to the fore here.

Similar to what I said above, this is also something that has to start with ourselves. This ought not to cause problems for researchers, since much of the driving force, at least as we often present it for our students, behind our motivation and choice of career has to do with curiosity. Still curiosity has almost been invisible here, (although one could feel its importance in the speech of Mrs Ela Gandhi today).

Having said this, I also sense that it is of utter most importance that we, as researchers and activists in the quest for peaceful coexistences, also see it as our duty to more actively encourage this passion. The desire to know those whom we share the physical space of our existence, in order to also be able to share the spirituality, or if you prefer wisdom, of spatial existence.

I am most aware of the mounting need for curiosity in my own country, Sweden, and it’s hard not to sense the universality of this need in the world today. Of course the curiosity of which I am talking about is something that not each and everyone can afford, nonetheless I am certain that it must play a role in our work, since without it, our values and technical arrangements such as tolerance and respect and democratic institutions seem to have a very uncertain future.

This is one of the thoughts that I take with me from my almost two week visit here in South Africa for the first time. Without hesitation I am sure that this will come out as one of these journeys that you may do from time to time in life. After which you are the same but different.

I do not believe that curiosity killed the cat. But if it finally did, this at least saved her or him from hatred and loneliness.

måndag, februari 01, 2010


Sydafrika blåser rakt igenom. Man hinner liksom inte ta tag i det. Servicen är just så överväldigande. Här förstår man varför de bemedlade aldrig får någon chans att säga något av värde.

Jag vet inte om jag kommer att sakna något efter denna resa. Det återstår att se. Förändringen är förmodligen oundviklig.